Top 5 Ways to Prevent Fire in the Workplace

Every year fires in business facilities injure and kill hundreds of people, and costs businesses several thousand pounds. However, today there are solutions to make the workplace safer. We now have fire-resistant building materials, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems. Yet, despite all of these advances in technology we still have a significant risk of fire where we work.

Unfortunately, most fires are caused by a lack of adequate training or carelessness.

The best way to fight fires is to prevent them from starting in the first place. Following proper safety procedures in the office or workplace will help avoid the sometimes tragic circumstances of a fire. You can help to prevent fires by learning to recognise potential fire hazards and correct issues before a fire can start.

1 – Understand the Human Impact
Fire often has a significant human element to it also, with many fires being started as a result of human error, misjudgment or negligence. Therefore, your fire risk assessment should acknowledge security requirements to prevent arson, adequate facilities in smoking areas and also that any combustible materials are safely stored away from ignition sources. Reducing office clutter and paperwork with appropriate office cupboards and storage can also help to reduce the risk of fire.

2 – Electrical Safety
Many office fires often start as a result of an electrical malfunction or misuse. Ensuring your electrical system is safe and maintained to provide maximum safety is a major step in preventing office fires. Do not overload electrical outlets. Make sure you have a sufficient number of outlets and have extra sockets professionally installed if needed. By having an adequate number of power sockets, you will also minimise the use of extension cords and reduce the chance of fire.

3 – Fire Risk Assessments
Conducting a proper fire risk assessment is the first step in ensuring your fire safety provision is adequate. A fire risk assessment will identify any potential causes of fire, such as aged wiring, hazardous chemicals, cooking areas and heating appliances.

4 – Prepare for any Eventuality
Should a fire occur, loss of valuable data or assets will be one of the most damaging effects on your business. Take precautions against this by locking valuable items away within a fireproof safe. Not only will this protect against fire, but potentially save those same assets against potential burglary.

5 – Fire Safety Training
People move on. It’s a fact of working life, and they take their knowledge with them. Ensure that you have regular sessions where you educate your staff on fire prevention and that you maintain any lost knowledge with additional training. Run regular fire evacuation practices and have fire wardens trained and in place. It doesn’t matter how large or small your business is, a good fire warden is essential.

Fire safety is an important part of any business and should never be taken lightly. By developing and maintaining a fire safety plan, your business and more importantly, your staff will be safer from the devastating effects of fire.

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5 Common Causes of Fire in the Workplace

When it comes to ensuring your workplace and your employees are safe, fire is one of the greatest risks to protect against. Businesses affected by fire often don’t recover, so ensuring your property is adequately protected is essential.

The landlord of the workplace building must make sure that the building complies with current fire legislation and have a recent fire risk assessment completed. This, along with ensuring the building is protected by a compliant life fire safety system, will reduce the likelihood of fire taking hold.

However, there are several instigators of fire in the workplace but the main reason why fires start is mostly negligence. The most common causes of workplace fires are:

Ensuring the building is protected by a compliant life fire safety system, will reduce the likelihood of fire taking hold.

1. Human Error
Human error is one of the main causes of fires in the workplace. Some accidental errors are combustible liquids igniting, burning food in the kitchen area or spilling fluid in electrical devices and equipment. It is the duty of the responsible person to ensure proper training is provided to all employees to evade such instances.

2. Electrical Fires
Electrical fires in the workplace fire are caused through incorrect wiring, loose wires or overloading extension cables. To avoid these problems the responsible person must evaluate the safety of electrical devices and equipment, to remove as many fire hazards as possible.

3. Smoking
This is also a common cause of fire in the working area, although this is reduced due to the introduction of designated smoking areas. Facilities should be provided to ensure cigarettes are discarded properly, and smoking areas are away from hazardous areas containing flammable objects. A single cigarette can be a cause of huge fire.

4. Flammable Vapours and Liquids
Warehouses, buildings or factories often stock flammable liquids as well as other combustible materials. These materials can easily combust with contact from just one spark. Always make sure that the containers filled with flammable vapours or liquids are properly sealed and stored in a safe place to help minimise fire risk.

5. Arson
Arson is a major reason for business-related fires, especially businesses that are prone to vandalism. Security measures such as CCTV should be in place for at-risk businesses to reduce the opportunity for arson, as well as effective fire safety systems to help prevent fire spread. Removing waste items from site can also help reduce arson risk.

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